Beckler is looking at the Fantastic Coating Canada Epoxy Flooring. There are TWO gift certificates up for grabs right now and last we looked they’re both sitting at $150.00. That’s a STEAL. You can check’em out here.

Seanna also wants a couple new tattoos. A skank flank in particular – and Little Witch Tattoo is awesome. Seanna had the chance to meet her and says she’s awesome if you’re looking for some new body art too! She has a few gift certificates available and they’re all going WELL under face value too! Take a look!

The BIG one though? Legacy Heating and Air conditioning is selling a $7250.00 air conditioning unit AND installation and last we checked it was going for just over $2500.00. That’s a STEAL! You can take a look here. Seanna demonstrates why you need A/C below.