Do you or don’t you? Here at Harvard Media, there’s a crew of folks who pool their money together to buy a bunch of Lottomax tickets. I’m always conflicted to buy in.

A few years back, we had a close call. We were ONE NUMBER off from winning the grand prize. ONE GOD DAMN NUMBER!!! We all walked away with a couple hundred bucks, but I’m sure I’ve spent that on the work lotta in the years since.
I couldn’t imagine living with all of my coworkers winning the lotto and me being left in the dust. It really is a form of peer pressure. That’s the ONLY reason people buy in. You’re likely better off buying tickets on your own. Sure, you could win in the work lotto, but what? Split 70 million 30 ways? Pffft. Just over $2million each? That’s chump change! But if I win on my own, I take all $70 million. That’s “f#$k you money” as they say. I could buy and sell folks with that kind of cheddar.
I don’t want to get a little rich. I want to be mega rich. I want a yacht. Not a speed boat. Sure, I live on the prairies and there isn’t an ocean in sight, but that’s a rich person problem. One that I’ll be glad to take on. Is this the definition of greed? Perhaps. But who are you to judge?
So…do you buy into the work lotto or not? Do you buy on your own and through work? Jeez…must be nice.