Chad and Evan

Random Picture of the Week

Random Picture of the Week

Aug 26, 2024 | 9:09am
I’m going all the way back to Friday for this one. I really wish I could have stayed for both nights of Metallica in Edmonton, but I’m still pumped I was able to make it for Friday nights show. By the time I got there I missed Mammoth WVH, but was at least bale to […]
Ruining lyrics, one meme at a time

Ruining lyrics, one meme at a time

Aug 15, 2024 | 8:43am
Hey look, it’s another series of blogs I’m starting. Mostly because I’m running out of ideas for the other ones. But this one also combines random pictures of the week because I found this one on my phone. There, now I ruined it for you!
Websites you didn’t know you needed

Websites you didn’t know you needed

Aug 13, 2024 | 9:19am
This is a fun one to play around. It also makes you realize that we’ve been lied to for our entire lives. THETRUESIZE.COM All you do is type in the name of a country and then you can see its actual size compared to other countries. My favourite example is how we’ve been lied to […]
There are two things that make a good sleep, great.

There are two things that make a good sleep, great.

Jul 22, 2024 | 8:12am
Before I get in to these two things, I know there is more than two things, but these two are the MOST important. 2. The Top Sheet – This is a close second. Too many people poo poo the top sheet and it needs to stop. When it’s hot out, its your best friend. Sleeping […]
You Don’t Choose Ferrari. Ferrari Chooses You. The Rules Of Buying A Ferrari.

You Don’t Choose Ferrari. Ferrari Chooses You. The Rules Of Buying A Ferrari.

Jun 13, 2024 | 7:17am
It’s true. You don’t choose Ferrari. Ferrari chooses you. You don’t get to take half a million dollars into a Ferrari dealership and buy one of their ultra sleek and speedy cars. You may need to pass a litany of tests. Especially for special edition cars. You may be able to buy a used one, […]
Watch this movie, NOW!

Watch this movie, NOW!

May 15, 2024 | 8:28am
It’s been a while since I’ve watched a really good horror movie. At one point it was all I watched. Then I just stopped. I assume it’s because my wife doesn’t like them so I never have a chance. I had been hearing a lot about a new possession movie called “Late Night With the […]
It’s only April 17 and this may be the most messed up thing all year

It’s only April 17 and this may be the most messed up thing all year

Apr 17, 2024 | 7:00am
We all know the world is a messed up place. Then you come across a story like this and realize it’s far worse than we ever expected! A woman in Rio de Janeiro used her deceased Uncle’s body to try ad get a loan. Sure, I could give you more details, but just reading that […]
Just Hire Painters

Just Hire Painters

Feb 28, 2024 | 5:49am
Who am I? Michelangelo? Why am I climbing up and down a ladder painting my house? Some find the act of painting walls relaxing. Soothing even. Not me. It’s a miserably stressful experience. It takes longer to set up and clean up than it does to do the actual painting. I just can’t do it. […]

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